Is this lazy blogging? Using video to get my thoughts across? The biggest problem - not everyone can get good video on every device.
Anyway, the point of this entry - trying to come up with a way of basing these 15mm guys is coming together. I've known that I was going to focus on basing for Command Decision because it's the ruleset that is the most "strict" on basing. BKCII and IABSM are flexible enough.
But I laid these out and labelled them for the first scenario of IABSM. This gave me such a great "peace" of where I'm far as purchases and planning.
One thing, I'm also thinking through is how they will work with Command Decision scenarios. More on that later.
Todd, great idea on creating the bases first, for which you'll then flesh out w/figs/vehicles for a specific scenario! This way you can "compartmentalize" your collection building aimed at a specific scenario you plan to play at a time, rather than building/basing your collection not knowing how much you think you might need (for some undetermined game(s) in the future). On the medium/heavy MG issue....I can imagine the rules designation for medium-MG denotes a rifle-caliber MG on a tripod mounting (as opposed to rifle-caliber MGs, but those bipod mounted - "LMGs"). This way I imagine the rules can reserve the "Heavy MG" classification as reflecting heavier caliber-firing MGs (12.7mm - 14.5mm "50 cal." types), and the medium MGs as tripod mounted, but rifle-caliber firing weapons. The confusion comes when MG designations have been used to specify both mounting type and/or bullet caliber.