
Monday, August 18, 2014

Other blogger on battlegroup kursk

Recently acquired the small Battlegroup rule set to try out for Platoon level gaming. So I've been enjoying any battle reports i can find about the game. Sparkers has posted many of them. The photo is from his blog.


  1. It has a good following so far and Ironfist Publishing is doing a great job of publishing photos from their amazing games and terrain on facebook. Pure eye candy that does nothing more than make you want to run to your gaming room and roll some dice!

    1. They do an amazing job at the eye candy shots, no doubt about it.

  2. I played three platoon level games last weekend. The game scales nicely and is good for most parts, but there are some niggling design issues which need some ironing out. For example, a carrier can during the turn tow an AT gun on the table, deploy it within 4" of it and the gun can shoot as if it had been stationary the whole turn, whereas an already deployed gun which merely pivots to face a new enemy suffers severe to hit penalties.

    Also, some scenarios can be a bit broken. The attack/defend scenario does not have a turn limit, so if the defender loses his long range AT capability, the attacker can spend a hundred turns outside the range of say.. panzerfausts and keep shooting the defenders with his machine guns (which will not run out of ammo like guns do) without any time pressure to take the objectives.

    1. Mikko, very nice long term play notes. Thank you for the insight.
