
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Jay's Wargaming Madness: KublaCon 2014 Convention Report

Go check out Jay's great pictorial report of his games and some of the other featured games at the recent Kublacon. His table is inspiring for WWII action. I've written this before, but I'm really leaning toward working on my terrain - there's an elusive "it" factor that I'm going for in my games. "It" doesn't mean diorama level, but there's a certain feel that I would like my table to have.


1 comment:

  1. Making terrain can consume as much time as painting game miniatures - and personally I believe it should. I don't often criticize my area gaming buds, but if you catch the roster of scheduled games at our local miniatures cons, the flat board games predominate - it's as if doing half of a hobby presentation (the figs) is considered good enough. One of our mutual friends has stated a few times that he wished we had strong club activity like the British gaming groups apparently do - I'd be encouraged if we saw greater emphasis on game presentations like the Brits seem so apt and able of doing.
